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Spacious indoor living area with modern and rustic furnishings at Regal Retreat villa


Room Category
No of Bedrooms and maximum occupancy
Rate ( Weekdays)
Rate (Weekends)
GST (%)
Regal Retreat
4 Bed rooms and 8 adulsts
INR 20000/-
INR 24000/-
Grand @ Regal Retreat
2 Bed rooms and 4 adulsts
INR 11000/-
INR 12000/-
Majestic @ Regal Retreat
2 Bed rooms and 4 adulsts
INR 11000/-
INR 12000/-

Valid From 1st April, 2023 till 15th June 2024

Suppliment Charges Applicable from 22nd Dec, 2023 to 10th Jan 2024 


  • Rates on CP plan ( Rooms and Breakfast)

  • Children age below 5 years are complementory on PLAN without extra bed

  • Maximum only 3 pax are allowed in each room

  • Extra person between 6-12 years - INR 1500/- + GST

  • Extra person above 13 years - INR 2000/- + GST

  • Please contact us for seasonal special packages

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